Which of the following are "Best Practices" that may be appropriate for software intensive programs? (Select all that apply)

Possible Answers (Please comment if you have the answer, Thank You):
  • Consider the risks of reusing existing software
  • Use metrics to manage and monitor risk
  • To speed development, only test software at completion
  • Generate new code whenever possible


  1. ( You have to get registered for the getting the information from Best at http://bestpis.in) best timesheet software

  2. The answer is:
    Use metrics to manage and monitor risk
    To speed development, only test software at completion

  3. Use metrics to manage and monitor risks
    Consider the risks of reusing existing software

  4. The correct answer is : consider the risks of existing software and use mertrocs to manage and monitor risks

  5. The correct answer is : consider the risks of existing software and use mertrocs to manage and monitor risks
